
Options, priorities, and the paradox of getting what you want without trying

May 3, 2012

Options, priorities and the paradox of getting what you want without trying. How does that work exactly? Better to find your own life balance, gain some healthy perspective, then make priorities.

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Death in Balance

October 3, 2010

What is death, why does it affect us so strongly and what can we do to better handle it? I have recently been faced with a death of a loved one and these, among others, questions are on my mind.

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Behind the mask

March 31, 2010
Thumbnail image for Behind the mask

Sometimes when we separate ourselves from our normal day-to-day lives for an extended period we return only to find that things have changed – people, places, etc. But the change is not outside of ourselves, it is we who have changed and often it is difficult to maintain your “new” persona when confronted by the challenges that present themselves when you’re not the same as you once were.

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We see things as we are

March 13, 2010
Thumbnail image for We see things as we are

Your reality is defined by way you interpret it apply labels: good, bad, wonderful, terrible, exciting. How we view the world and the people in it is down how we think and evaluate them.
Question your prejudices, even the ones you “know” to be true.

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Finding the One

November 18, 2009

There are a couple of things that have prompted me to write on this topic – today it was a sitcom where someone simply said: “I want that.” And that in question is simply the companionship that comes with having a woman in my life.

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Friends are like food

October 12, 2009

Developing friendships is difficult sometimes and often we can do too much, or too little. It’s a balancing act and is similar to choosing food…

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The relationship game between men and women, Part 2

October 2, 2009
Thumbnail image for The relationship game between men and women, Part 2

In my previous post, Part 1, I outlined the content of a seminar I attended a week ago that I found quite informative and served up lots of food for thought. I’ve had a chance to think much of it over, and while it has opened my mind to some things, I do have some […]

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The relationship game between men and women, Part 1

September 22, 2009
Thumbnail image for The relationship game between men and women, Part 1

Are you in a relationship?  Is it wrecking your head? I recently attended a seminar in Koh Samui, Thailand, about relationships and how to “find” that wonderful partner and get the best out of our current relationships. It was a little different, discussing male and female “energies”, light and dark characteristics and how they can […]

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