Honor your Health

The challenge and reward of realising your self worth

August 13, 2015

Self-worth is a hard thing to nail down. What does it mean and do you have it? Getting clear on what self-worth is, is difficult. I’ve become aware that while I talk the talk, sometimes I haven’t been walking the walk. That’s not to say I lack it completely, but there are certain areas I’m falling […]

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Your balls won’t always bounce back

April 1, 2014

Here’s a little metaphor to help us find that sweet-spot balance in life. It’s basically this: In life you’re juggling 5 balls: Work Health Family Friends Spirit As any one that’s tried juggling knows, we sometimes drop the ball. Which one we drop in this case is important. All the balls in that group of […]

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3 Ways to reinvigorate your life when you rediscover your mornings

June 1, 2011

The best way to start the day is to wake up earlier, doing morning exercise, and write a journal (or morning pages). It’s a simple formula, but one that really works.

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Coffee free living – a follow up

June 9, 2010
Thumbnail image for Coffee free living – a follow up

A follow up article to outline some of the effects and withdrawal symptoms that going on a caffeine-free diet has brought about.

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Coffee – are you in control of your addiction?

June 4, 2010
Thumbnail image for Coffee – are you in control of your addiction?

Do you need a coffee in the morning before you’re functional? Is your day not complete without it? Then you’re probably addicted to caffeine and the cycle will continue until you become aware of it!

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Fasting: the one-day fast

June 22, 2009

Ever since coming back from my detox-fasting program in Thailand in May, I have resolved to undertake a weekly 1-day fast to maintain my health or at least aim to keep it up to the levels I experienced when I left Thailand following the detox.  I haven’t managed to put this into effect until now […]

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A follow up: What are the benefits of fasting?

May 28, 2009

This is a follow up to my previous article on the benefits of undergoing a fast for the purposes of detoxification for your body.  Probably best to give that a read if you haven’t already done so, and then coming back here again to see the aftermath.

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What are the benefits of fasting?

May 6, 2009

At the time of writing, I am on day 6 of a 7-day fasting program.  I came to the resort specifically for this purpose as I wanted to explore the idea and the benefits of such an undertaking on my body and mind.  Wikipedia defines fasting as: Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining […]

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How to make the perfect fruit smoothie

April 23, 2009
Thumbnail image for How to make the perfect fruit smoothie

Ever wanted to make fruit smoothies and you don’t know where to start? What do you need? How do you mix it? Are they healthy and why? Making fruit smoothies is easy and I’ll tell you how.

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Why going on a diet sucks

April 22, 2009

Going on a diet, restricting what you can eat for the sole purposes of rapid weight loss isn’t a fun pursuit. Better to approach your diet in moderation, not restriction.

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